Just hi
I written so much to post here on the blog, but since I never get internet I can't post anything!
I'm going to post it as soon as possible , tomorrow (1 september , a saturday) I start school, I'm really nervous...Soon I've been two weeks here in Changzhou and it has happened a lot of things: chinese valentines day, language lessons, gotten new friends and my hostmothers birthday! Now I'm going to go play biljard with my exchange student friend Cordelia and some chinese friends !
At 星巴克
I don't have internet in my hostfamily's home so it's really hard for me to blog right now.
But today I will write a lot, but there's so much to tell you about! About how different everything is here, even the most normal things as going to the bathroom here is so different - i would say especially going to the bathroom. First of all, some toilets are just a hole in the ground, like every public bathroom is just holes. AND, you have to bring your own toilet paper since they most often don't have it at public toilets. BUT observe, do not flush down the paper in the toilet, put it in the bin beside the toilet, whatever business you've done.
Maybe that's why the toilets here are rather smelly and sometimes very gros, some people also leave the door open at the public bathrooms.
There's much to tell then just about the bathrooms, stay tuned!

A fresh public toilet
No internet
My trip
When you're reading this I'm on the plane to Zürich where I'm going to transfer to a another flight which will take me to Beijing.
I'm going to stay in Beijing for 3 days with all the other exchange student, as far as I know I'm the only one from Sweden. After 3 days in the capital city of China, I'm going to my host family in Changzhou City. Then I have two weeks of language studies and after that I guess school starts!
Last goodbye
I'm waiting for the plane to take off, Terminal 5 at Arlanda.
This morning, my family + Astrid came with me to say goodbye at the airport. I couldn't help to cry but after I while it was time to let go.
I put My bags so they could go trough the security control and I was kust about to pass Myself when Astrid calls me back, telling me my friends Sandra, Greta and Lisa was on their way here and I waited. We hugged and I started to cry again. It was a hard goodbye but I 'm still happy that I'm leaving!
Mom and dad + Brother - I know you are reading this. Just wanted to say I love you and I'm going to miss you a lot.
I love all my friends and I will miss you too.
I'll write when I'm in China !
Nu åker jag!
För jag kan inte riktigt förklara vad jag känner. Jag är varken ledsen eller glad, jag är bara pirrig. Jag vill bara dit och se hur det är. Jag kan inte sitta här och undra längre, för nu börjar klockan bli alldeles för mycket och jag ska upp för att åka om flygplatsen om mindre än 3 timmar.
Det känns inte som jag ska åka iväg och ännu mindre känns det som jag ska vara borta ett år. Det bara känns på ett konstigt sätt, som att något förändras och det gör det ju också.
Nu åker jag, wish me good luck!

Goodbye dinner
After the dinner party we met some other friends and I got to say goodbye to everyone. It was a great night, my last fun night with my friends for a long long time, I'll miss it.
I'll put up some pictures soon from the dinner and of the presents I got but I wanna say to everyone who were here last night and said goodbye to me - thank you for coming and screw you for making it so easy to miss you this upcoming year away from you.

Less than a week left!