School trip

Yesterday the whole first grade in my school went on their annual trip - this time we went to another city called Suzhou and visited an amusement park.
Spend the whole day with my classmates and did different things, rollercoasters and 4d movie. It was kind of fun, nice to have some time to spend with my classmates because they are usually so busy with studying...

And, at this amusement park, people stared a lot. Because I look different here people often stare at me and sometimes talk to me, or take pictures. And yesterday I took several pictures, it is so much fun! Everyone is so nice and think it is so exotic to see an foreigner and for me it is just positive, I get reminded of that I am on my exchange year and that this is something different.

Me and my classmates!


My whole class - do you see me?

Some of the pictures I took with people haha .

Looks so incredible wrong haha...

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