Swedish visit

A month ago, my school had such an intresting visit - a school from Sweden, from Stockholm, from a place very near to where I live and go to school.
I was so happy to meet some people from my "own" country again but I noticed that I almost got a culture shock from meeting them, I am feeling really like China is a big part of me and that I actually was hosting them in a country I belong to.
Anyhow, this school, Rosstensta, have an exchange with my school and they usually go visit them once a year, and my chinese school have also been on a visit to Sweden.
I shared with them all the differences I have discovered between the swedish school and chinese school, there were some students there who was writting a project about that. We were together all day, went to visit a restaurant and the famous tempel here in Changzhou, which is placed in Hong Mei park.

I will keep contact with the swedish school and visit them when I am back in Sweden, hopefully I can join them and visit my chinese school next time they are going!

My school, welcoming Sweden!

A few of the swedish teachers and students

The tempel in Hong Mei Gong Yuan

View from the top

Lunch, much better than normal school food haha..

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