My city

I live in Changzhou which is located in the southern part of the province Jiangsu. It's a small city with almost 5 million inhabitants. It's rather near to Nanjing and Shanghai which are to big cities in China.

My apartment is really high up and you can look out over a big part of the city even if the building is not located very near to the city center. The city center is big! There are a lot of KFC's and McDonald and also there are clothing shops like H&M and Chinese brands.
    Then you can also shop clothes in the underground center called "FashionLady" - here there are stores you can bargain and buy cheaper thing, some bad quality and others good. The real expensive shops like Prada and Gucci are in an shopping center on top of the underground center.
    I haven’t been around the whole city yet, but I really like it here. It’s big enough for me and there are a lot of fun things to do!

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