So cold

Month of december. First month of real winter.
Even if we don't have any snow here (yet?) you can really feel that it's winter here more than anywhere else. Because here, the coldness follows you wherever you go. It is cold everywhere, except for maybe starbucks.
The problem here is that they don't have any heating system that works inside the house and the walls aren't that good isolated either.
Some rooms might have kongtiao/热空调 (like air conditioner which makes hot air) but it's on very few places. My home doesn't have any at all, or does not use it anyway. In school the classrooms it is the same, the school is so tight-fisted and only use it some of the teachers office. And what makes it worst is that in the classrooms they also leave the windows open...

This air condition is too expensive, that's why people not use it. But they should really invest in better build buildings and some better heat system which is not as expensive and much more convinient than AC.

I now sit in my room, wearing three shirts and two par of trousers and when I breath it comes smoke from my mouth. The winter here is much worse than Sweden, because you can't escape the cold....brr.

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