The autumn school uniform

So now when it's getting colder here, really cold, we change from the summer uniform to the autumn uniform. We only wear it on mondays and I couldn't be happier for it's not really the most good looking one. My pants are way too long, big and wide, but everyone looks the same so I shouldn't be so uncomfortable in it...Anyway, happy that the school give me the uniform and that I don't need to pay for it, my school is taking so good care of me! Really happy.

Look so miserable, first day with the uniform haha....

Postat av: Anonym

A little like Harry Potter English style, huh?

2012-11-07 @ 13:50:23
Postat av: Linnet_cool_95

ser så sur ut <33333

2012-11-18 @ 22:29:17
Postat av: Linnet_cool_95_again

btw kommentaren innan <3333

2012-11-18 @ 22:30:42

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