Birthday part 2

On my real birthday, 23rd of September - I changed host family.

It was a really weird day, I was so sad but at the same time happy. I couldn't sleep at all the whole night because I was really nervous for meeting the host family.
The last breakfast I ate with my sister and my friend Cordelia. We ate something thas was so good and sweet, but it looked like eyeballs. Anyway, everything worked out well - I meet the host family and I felt like a part of the family from start. We went "home" and since it was my birthday we had cake and birthday noodles - you always eat noodles at your birthday, then you will have a long life.
I am just really thankful that they celebrated my birthday even if we had just met. A good, but weird day.

Eyeballs or something..

The last look of their amazing view!

Birthday cake - again!

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