
Today I went to my grandmothers house for lunch and we made our own dumplings! It was so delicious and they taughed me how to make them, mine wasn't so pretty but I had so much fun - my family is great and I am extremly happy here!
Tomorrow it is school again after having one week break since it has been the mid autumn festival which I will write more about! It has been a great week and I had a lot of fun travelling with my family but I am also looking forward to meeting everyone in school tomorrow. Everything . Is. Great.

Some delicious fruit, I never remember the name...

Me and grandmother, 奶奶, showing me how to do it

Me and my aunt, 姑姑
My sister making dumplings

Postat av: Rakell

Åh vad kul Anna!! Vi måst köra Skype snart!!!!!! Saknar dig ! Frukten är drakfrukt :D puss på dig bästa <3

2012-10-07 @ 23:03:43

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