
I have done a lot of dangerous things here in China, like making videos during classes to show you all these different things I face here. This is one of the things:
     Here in China the teacher has a lot of respect. The teacher always beging the lesson after the bell rings with saying "Lesson starts" and one student in the class screams out "STAND UP" and everyone stands up. Then the teachers says "nimen hao" which means "hello to you" and we answer "Laoshi hao" which means "hello teacher" and the teacher tells us to sit down.
     In the lessons the teacher stands and talk the whole time, and throws out questions to the different students who has to stand up when they are asked and they can't sit down until the teacher says they are allowed to. And you also stands up when the lesson is finished, but some teachers are more chill with that then others - but in the begining of the lessons, you always have to stand up and bow.
     Everytime you meet them in the corridor you say "Laoshi hao"  when I in Sweden would greet the teacher as anyone else and just say hello. But here the title teacher is something very good and important not to miss out on.

This is how it looks when the class starts:

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