Cheap China

The greatest part of being here is how cheap everything is! 1 yuan = 1,2 sek.
    If you wanna take a bus, it costs 1 yuan. A taxi for 10 minutes, 10 yuan.
    0,5 litres of coke is 2,80 yuan. Ice tea is 2,50 yuan.
In Sweden I wouldn’t care about 1 sek. Here it can give you a ride home.
     Since it’s so cheap, it’s really much fun being here! You can do all kinds of stuff with different people like going to the cinema, ice-skating or grab something to eat. And it doesn’t cost a thing.
     In Sweden that would have cost almost 100 yuan.
   I buy water every day, since you can’t drink the tap water here and at home I only get hot water…one bottle of water costs 1,5 yuan.
   You can buy facemasks here , 5 for 10 yuan.
    I haven’t gone to cut my hair yet or taking a massage but cutting your hair doesn’t cost more than 50 yuan and a massage is under 100 yuan.

So to say the lifestyle here is really easy and fun!

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